Hey yall! Do you like that looong post name? Ha!
We are down to 2 days, yall! I'm going to let that sink in....
...still sinking...
can you believe it? I know, I know, you are so jealous :) and I don't blame you. I would be jealous, too!
But your time will come!
Day 4 balloon

This guy said that we would be having a popsicle party! Whoo-hoo! And I remembed to actually bring the popsicles to school...go me!
I didn't plan this one well, though, because we also had our summer birthday party planned for that day. So my littles had popsicles after lunch, and cupcakes in the afternoon. Yikes! Oh well, that's what the end of the year is for, right?
Day 3 balloon

This one said movie day! This one was well planned. Today was our field day, but instead of having it all day for all grades, they split it up. Kindergarten thru 2nd grade had it in the morning, and 3rd thru 5th had it in the afternoon. I was totally fine with this, except we were wondering what in the world to do with 71 hyped up 7 year olds??? So.....we decided we would just watch a movie in the afternoon :)
I really want to post some pictures of our field day, but I haven't uploaded them yet.
I do, however, have these little gems...

That would be our whole entire school being blasted by a firehose from a firetruck. It. Was. Awesome.
Okay, now I am super exicted to show you guys these gifts I have been working on :)
I had seen this idea on Pinterest (I wonder how many times I say that in a day...), and knew that I wanted to make it for my parents. This idea came from Nicole at
First Grade Owls.
However, my printer did not like the labels that were provided and kept messing them up, so I had to make my own. Here's how mine turned out.
I think they turned out pretty good. I would share the tags with you, but I honestly just googled the picture, and I need to get permission from Nicole about the wording. So I will get back to you on that one...
Anyways, these are the little treats that I am giving to the majority of my parents. However, I did make something special for my room moms.
Did I mention that I have 6 room moms??? A little excessive, I know, but it worked for me :)
Here is what I made for them...
It's strawberry shortcake in a mason jar. The tag says "We would have come up short without you!" and the tag for the bag says "Thank you berry much for all of your help this year! From, Mrs. Lemacks"
You like?
I am sooo happy with these, and I hope my room moms love them! They look awfully tasty, too :)
here for the tags for those, in case you want to make your own :)
Okay, I have to go finish the rest. Would you believe that I only finished one, just so I could take pictures and blog about it? Ha! Five left :)