Hey yall! Happy hump day!
Well, the countdown for summer has been officially on this week...only 27 days left!
However, that also means that student behavior tends to get a little cray-cray! So its that time of the year where you pull out the big guns.
Enter Class Dojo!
I heard about this site last fall when I was in between jobs. I thought the premise was really awesome, but in the hectic-ness of finally getting a job and getting everything together for my classroom, I completely forgot about it! But after my kiddos' awful behavior the week before Spring Break, I just knew I needed to change things up a bit and remembered this little gem!
So I signed up my kiddos and we have been rockin' it out this week! I saw immediate results in my littles' behavior. Seriously!
So, in case you've never heard of Class Dojo before, let me break it down for you.
You start out by adding your kiddos to your class. Dojo gives them some adorable little avatars!
Pardon the blue boxes...gotta protect my babies! |
Throughout the day, students can either earn positive points or negative points. Here are some of the things my kiddos get points for:
And yes, I take points away for whining. Harsh? Maybe.... Effective? YES!!!
Whining is seriously a huge pet peeve of mine and I have no patience for it.
I keep my Dojo page up on our ActivBoard all day, so students can see how they are doing. I will usually add or take away points myself, although I may make a big deal of having a student give themselves a point {especially if its one who struggles in earning points!}.
In my class, we have been using a clipchart all year. Students start on green and can move up to blue or purple, or down to pink or orange. I wanted to coordinate the Dojo points with our colors, so they would be familiar with the meaning.
Now, we have been starting out at zero points. If a student ends the day still at zero points, that would give them an orange day, which is the worst. That's right....they have to earn a green, blue, or purple day! No more gimmes! 3 points gives them a green day, 5 points a blue day, and 7 points a purple day. Only 1-2 points gets them a pink day and 0 points or less gets them an orange day.
But its actually not that hard to have a good day, because I give points out left and right. In fact, I've had many students on blue and purple this week, and only 1 has gone home on pink! What, what?!?!
Want to see my favorite part???
At the end of the day/week/month, you can see your students' track records!
This is my whole class report. Check that out! So awesome. They have earned 295 positive points so far this week, and its only Wednesday!
This is a student that is always on her best behavior :)
And this is a student that usually struggles every single day! Whoo-hoo!
Check out what he earned points for today....
You can also print out reports and send them home, although our school has our printers on lock down right now, so I won't be doing that. Or you can enter parents' email addresses and then Class Dojo will automatically send them their child's report at the end of the day!
Awesome, right???
So, let me ask again.......do you Dojo???