Hey yall! Happy Friday!
We have had a fun and exciting week learning all about folktales. We learned about Paul Bunyan, John Henry, and everyone's favorite....Johnny Appleseed! I love that our state Social Studies standards include these fun folktales, especially since Mr. Appleseed is so much fun to learn about!
We started out by reading this book
and watching the Brain Pop Jr. video on Johnny.
We taste tested 4 different kinds of apples and graphed our favorites.

Granny Smith was the winner, but I was totally pulling for the Golden Delicious....yum!
We made applesauce and wrote about the process.

Best. Applesauce. Ever.
We brainstormed some facts and then wrote about Johnny.

All of the above activities (including the recipe for the world's best applesauce!) came from Katie's (Teacher to the Core) Apples and Appleseed unit.
Seriously, one of my favorite purchases this year! Talk about integration!!!
After learning all about him, Mr. Appleseed himself came to visit and read us a story!

They were over the moon excited....just look at those faces!!! Everyone wanted a hug...and one sly girl went in for a kiss on the cheek! My sweet hubby is so supportive and such a good sport about these kinds of things. You might remember, he dressed up as a leprechaun for my kiddos last year!
The funniest part was hearing all the questions my littles had for him...and he had no problem playing along!
Student: Did you plant an apple tree in my backyard?
Hubs: Maybe...is your house the one with the black roof?
Student: Yeah! And a fence!
Hubs: Yep...I was there!
My teaching buddies and I were rolling! Another student asked him about his pet wolf (which one of our stories talked about) and he told them it was tied up outside. Ha!
It was probably one of the most fun we've had this year. What did yall do to celebrate?
What a good husband you have! That is so fun!