Hey yall!
Well, another Monday come and gone! To be honest, this was probably the best Monday I've had in awhile. My kiddos were well-behaved today, they were working extra hard, and I *finally* had my observation and it went really well!!!
So glad to finally have it over with. I haven't had the sit down yet to formally discuss, but I thought it went about as well as it could have. Phew!
St. Patrick's Day is usually one of my favorite holidays to celebrate in the classroom, but I just couldn't find that much time this year. I usually have the ol' pesky leprechaun come and mess up our classroom, but that just didn't happen this year. Partly because my kiddos have been 12 kinds of crazy lately and partly because we just didn't have the time.
We did sneak in a couple of fun activities though!
I put out tons of math centers...

We completed this adorable craftivity from my girl Cupcake.

And this fun activity from Lisa at Growing Firsties!

First grade sponsored a Shamrock Dance to raise some money for our upcoming field trip, and I made these cupcakes to sell!

We also had a photobooth where the students could take pictures with a leprechaun! And guess who's amazing husband was the lucky leprechaun???

He is such a huge supporter of my career and didn't even flinch when I asked him to do this for us. Thanks baby!!!
Now...off to eat some dinner and catch up on Walking Dead :)

Aw- you had so much fun! I love those pictures and what a super husband! Yay!
Learning With Mrs. Leeby