Monday, December 29, 2014

Top 10 Insta Pics of 2014

Hey yall!
I know...its been awhile. Rather than have me lament over how terrible a blogger I've been, I'll just jump right in with this post. Work for you?
As I was brushing my teeth this morning, while simultaneously checking my Instagram (anyone else do that??), I started looking back at all my pics from 2014. It's nice to reminisce about the things that happened over the year and remember how you felt when you took that specific picture.
Then I got to thinking...wouldn't it be fun to share the top pics I've taken this year?
Even better, wouldn't it awesome to choose the pics based on what my followers enjoyed seeing?
So I present to you...Top 10 Insta Pics of 2014!
{with original captions and hashtags}

Eeeeeek! Merry Christmas to me! Best. Parents. Ever. #geekinout
This was one of my most recent pictures, but it made it in the top 10! I have been wanting a Cameo for a good year now, but just couldn't bring myself to spend the money. My parents took me completely off guard when they got me one for Christmas! I just ordered a boatload of vinyl and I cannot wait to start crafting!
Can't wait to make these with my kiddos tomorrow! #merrymerry #teacherlife #getyourcrafton
These were the adorable ornaments that my thirdsters made for Christmas. They got to choose which one they wanted to make {Rudolph was the most picked!}. They turned out so stinkin' cute!!!
Snowflake was sick today, due to some curious little hands. Santa had to send Buddy to watch over the class until she gets better! #elfintheclassroom #handsoff #teacherlife
Our classroom elf, Snowflake, came to visit us on December 1 when we got back from Thanksgiving break. On December 2, someone {shock! gasp!} touched her. So she had to go on bed rest, and Santa sent another elf, Buddy, to help take care of her.

Our 9/11 hall display #neverforget #wearepatriots #teachersfollowteachers
These were the craftivities that we made for September 11th. Because it's such a hard topic to discuss {and we had just finished a study on Paul Revere}, we focused mostly on how we could show patriotism to our country. They all did a great job!
This is a cannon #notapenis #teacherlife
Seeing this picture again still makes make giggle!

For my door #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram
This is the welcome sign I made for my new peacock-themed classroom! Love the way it turned out :)

Bets on how long these will last? #gluesticksfordays #teacherlife
We ran out in mid-November...

Loved the way my door turned out for #openhouse #bts2014 #teachersfollowteachers
Notice the welcome sign up there? I love, love, LOVE my peacock wreath that I snagged for 50% off at Michaels. That baby is still hangin' on!

Oh #dollartree you made this jewel-tone-seeking heart happy #bts2014 #thriftyteacher #bookbins #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram
 Raise your hand if you love Dollar Tree!
 I'm proud to say that each of those baskets are still looking good.

Loving my new supplies labels! #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #bts2014

 These are the labels I made for my supplies cart. I had a lot of requests to share these on TPT, but I honestly just pulled Google images to make them. Maybe one day I'll get around to finding compliant images to share...

So there you have Top 10 Insta Pics of 2014!
Want to share your top 10 pics? Link up below! Be sure to grab the button up top and the cute little numbers. I used the app Iconosquare to get my statistics.

Oh, and I'm sure you already follow me on Instagram, right?
But if you don't {shame on you!}, then hop on over to @teacherytidbits and give me a follow.
I'm teetering on 1,000 followers and I'm antsy to have a giveaway!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Donuts {freebie}

Hey yall! Happy *almost* Friday!
Tomorrow is our last day of school before Thanksgiving.
In true fashion, I waited until the last minute to make treats for my kiddos.
I had no clue what I wanted to make, but sister is on a budget!
So I knew it had to be cheap and easy.
I walked by the snack cake aisle at my local grocery store and saw those little bags of mini donuts.
Bingo! I snagged 3 bags and whipped up these tags to go with them.
You can snag the tags by clicking on the photo below, if you're a procrastinator like me :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Thanksgrammar: Thanksgiving Themed Grammar Stations

Hey yall! Happy Monday!
Only 4 more days until Thanksgiving break...I think I can, I think I can!
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I busted out these fun grammar stations for my kiddos. I've just posted them in my TPT shop (procrastinate much???) and they are 50% off for the next 24 hours!
Check 'em out!
Want to win a copy?
Leave a comment telling me what you're looking forward to most about Thanksgiving, and I'll pick 2 winners tomorrow.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bright Ideas Round Up

Hey yall! Happy Saturday!
I know I have been a bit of a slacker lately.
Life has just been busy.
Feel me?
That's why I'm so excited about today's post!
I'm going to recap some of the Bright Ideas posts from this year.
All great ideas, all in one short post!

We started this fun link-up back in February, and I've only missed one month since then.
In February, I wrote about using an interactive word wall. You can read all about that here.
In March, I shared how I organize all the books that I use for teaching. These are for my use only-students are NOT allowed to touch these babies! You can read how I pull that off here.
In April, I wrote about some paper-saving tips for all those on copy lockdown!
Check that post out here.
In May, I wrote about using plastic tablecloths for bulletin boards.
You can see some of my boards here.
 This is my second most visited's a good one!
In June, I blogged about a little game that I use to keep my kiddos quiet in the halls.
Learn about that game here.
In July, I wrote about an easy way to store those playing cards.
Check it out here.
In August, my post was about spicing up those boring bookshelves!
See how I added some flavor here.
I couldn't get myself together in September.
I wonder why...
In October, I shared a trick I used to hang up my anchor charts.
Find out what the trick is here.
Whew! That's a lot of bright ideas!
Ready to see more?
Check out these other amazingly bright ideas from some other equally as amazing bloggers!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Five for Friday: Halloween Edition

Hey yall! Happy November!
This has been one CRAZY week!
Red Ribbon week, real-life fire alarm (not a drill), observations, flu shots, lockdown drill, and Halloween...all rolled into one lovely week.
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I asked my room mom to decorate my door for Halloween. I told her she would probably just need to decorate the bottom half, since my peacock wreath is stuck on there pretty good and I didn't want it to come down. Well, she totally surprised me by making it work! I loved how it turned out.
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One day old and one year old
On Sunday, I got to go to this sweet thing's first birthday party. Sweet Jule is the daughter of one of my closest friends and I've been so privileged to watch her grow!
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This week was Red Ribbon week. It's been nuts! On Monday, we had an unexpected fire drill during lunch....because it was NOT a drill! Something happened to the mechanism in one of our water fountains, so it started melting and putting off this awful black smoke! Thankfully, we were able to get the whole school evacuated in under a minute.
What a way to kick off the week!
Thursday was "Peace out to drugs" day, so I channeled my inner hippie.
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This was my costume for Halloween. I took the top picture there right after we had a lockdown drill.
Yes, on Halloween.
Moment of silence for this teacher, please.
I had actually started out the day with every intention of teaching, but after the unannounced lockdown drill, that went right out the window.
It was all I could do to keep my little monsters in line for the rest of the day.
Apparently, you see I didn't do a great job! They took this teacher hostage, I tell ya!
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The hubs and I on Halloween on, Wayne!
Happy November, friends!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hanging Anchor Charts {A Bright Idea!}

Hey yall! Happy Saturday!
I'm actually in Fayetteville for a regional Jamberry conference, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to bring you another bright idea!

This month, I wanted to share how we are hanging our anchor charts this year.
If you're like me, anchor charts are happening....multiple times a week!
Where in the world are you supposed to put all those lovely charts???
Last year, I hung them up with hangers on a rolling cart.
It worked okay, but they were really in the, big time.
So this year I wanted to designate a specific spot to hang our charts, so I decided to dedicate a whole bulletin board just for our charts. But they needed to be able to be removed or added to, so I decided to use clothespins to hang them up.
However, gluing clothespins to a bulletin board?
Not an option for me.
Instead, I did this!
I hot-glued some pushpins to the back of my clothespins.

Then I just pushed them into the bulletin board and hung up my charts!


Please note:
1) I went back and added the "or" after I took this picture
2) The chart on the right was NOT drawn by me! I asked the para to make a chart about irregular plural verbs and this is what I got...the kiddos didn't seem to mind, though :)
Check out the link-up below for even MORE bright ideas!