Hey yall! Happy Saturday!
Well, this is my last weekend before I start with my kiddos. Ready or not, 18 little warm bodies will be showing up to my classroom on Monday morning.
I have worked allll week long, trying to get my classroom ready, and I *think* its almost done. I mean, it will probably never truly be done (is it ever???), but its good enough to get started with. There are still lots of things that I know needs to be done in my head, but you can't quite tell from looking at the room.
I have had some amazing helpers this week, so I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone that helped. My mom, dad, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, hubby, and one of my closest friends all came sometime during the week (or multiple times!) to help me get it together. I could not have done it without yalls help, so THANK YOU!!!
I really wanted to share some pictures with you guys, but I completely forgot to take the camera to school, and I didn't think my little Droid camera would suffice. So you will have to wait until Monday :)
I also wanted to let you guys know that I am having a little end-of-the-quarter sale in my TPT shop from now until Sunday. Everything in my store will be listed at 20% off!
Now, I know I said I would announce winners today BUT....the hubs and I are out the door for a little mini-vacay! We will be back sometime tomorrow evening, so I will post winners then. Sorry for the wait, friends, but Hilton Head is calling my name :)
Have a great weekend!

Wow- done early? Good luck on Monday! :)
Luckeyfrog's Lilypad