Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Heart Belongs in 1st

Hey yall!
Could I be more MIA or what???
Any time I'm not around, it means life has taken on a frantic pace and I'm busy running around like a crazy person. This time is no different!
I spent the whole first week of school in a 5th grade classroom. I have been very transparent about my reluctance to teach 5th grade, but I honestly tried to embrace it with open arms.
No bueno.
Fifth grade is just not for me. Everybody kept telling me I would love it and that the age group is so much fun. But honestly...all I could do was gaze longingly at those sweet little first graders during the first week of school and cry that they weren't mine.
Then, the best news ever! Our 5th grade was too small and they collapsed my class, moving me back to 1st grade!!! What an awesome day that was!
But then came the bad news....I had to move rooms....again. I was told on Friday afternoon that I was moving back to 1st and welcomed my new class on Monday morning. So, needless to say, my room was completely bare.
Our school kicks us out at 5:00 pm {to save on electricity costs}, so I've basically had an hour each day after school to work in the room. And I'm nowhere near done....
But I'm loving my babies and cannot be happier to be back in the grade that captured my heart. :)
This week has been cuh-razy and I have completely forgotten to take any pictures. Hopefully, I'll get my act together next week :)
Keep checking on me, friends, because I've got a giveaway in the works and a new blog design that is *almost* ready to be revealed! Now I'm off to work on some lesson plans :)
Happy weekend!!!


  1. I'm sure 5th graders are really wonderful, but I agree that there's something special about the little ones. I'm glad to hear that it turned out well for you!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. So happy that everything has worked out for you! I have to admit I think exactly the same as you, 3rd grade is as high as I want to teach! Good luck getting your room together.

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  3. Congratulations on moving back to 1st!!

    I had a dream the other night that I was interviewing for a teaching position and I had the choice of 1st or 3rd!

    It's kinda made me wonder if I'd ever want to teach younger elementary!


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