Sunday, June 17, 2012


Hey yall.....  :(

See that sad face up there? I am truly in tears right now.

I have been working for weeks on a classroom theme set, and I finished it tonight. I saved it, and was just about getting ready to save it as a PDF when Word crashed.

I opened Word back up, went to get the file, and this happens...

I have seriously spent the last 2 hours on Google, trying to resolve this issue.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Zero.

What do I DO, yall?!?!

The most previous version I can find is one from last week, and I have done soooo much to this file since then. I am truly desparate.

Anyone have any clue on how I can fix this????

Look how cute it was!

Tears, people :(



  1. Natalie,
    Were you working on a Mac? If so go to the Apple store nearest you and ask for help from someone at the Genius bar.

    Also, I googled your error message and got this link. It talks a little about this specific error message and then gives you a link. It looks like there are some ideas to try.

    Take care and good luck and remember to take a deep breath!
    An Open Door

  2. Did you google the error message you are getting? Microsoft has a forum too that you can post your question and sometimes even the file and people will take a look at it.

  3. Natalie, try to see if there is any help for you at or type in your error message in google search to see if someone else has experienced that same error. I've never seen that particular message before, but I've had others & I was able to recover documents. Good luck!

  4. I am sooo sorry!!! I feel your pain.I think we have all lost files before and it's very frustrating. I sure hope you can figure it out. If not remember your situation could always be worse.

    Miss Nelson's blog

  5. I have no advice, just wanted to offer a cyber hug!Hope it gets resolved soon.
    Teachable Moments

  6. I'm with Brooke ~ blog hug! This happened to me a few weeks ago and I lost ALL of my editable products I had made. Too bad if someone finds a mistake in them now because I no longer have a version to edit! Good luck!

    Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists

  7. I hope you get figure it out. I am not for sure I would I would say. My fingers are crossed that someone will have a solution for you.



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